Pan-Arab Sustainable Energy Strategy (ASES)
In 2016, the Executive Bureau of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity approved to expand the Pan-Arab RE Strategy 2010- 2030 to be the Pan-Arab Sustainable Energy Strategy (ASES) covering four major components Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Access and CO2 emission and providing specific targets with clear indicators.
With the support of BMU and GIZ, LAS Energy Department in collaboration with RCREEE developed the ASES and its action plans which were adopted by the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity in 2019.
The Pan-Arab Sustainable Energy Strategy represents a guideline to promote and catalyze sustainable energy future deployment in the Arab region and aims to:
- Assist Arab countries to achieve short and medium term renewable energy objectives
- Enhance climate for investments and coordination on national and regional levels
Main Outcomes:
- Pan-Arab Sustainable Energy Strategy- Road map of actions
- Monitoring protocol for ASES
- Regional workshop covering the methodology of the monitoring protocol organized in April 2019.