Pan Arab- Certified Energy Management Professional Program (PA-CEMP)
Pan Arab Certified Energy Management Professional Program (PA-CEMP) is a professional certification program endorsed by the Executive Bureau of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity in their 32th session on May 31, 2016.
RCREEE in collaboration with the Secretariat (Energy Department – League of Arab States) of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity developed PA-CEMP as a standardized in-depth professional certification program for Energy Mangers tailored for the Arab region. PA-CEMP runs with central management and national delivery customized based on national context. It aims to assist EE policy makers and program administrators in planning and implementing Energy Efficiency plans and related measures and achieve energy targets.
Since its launch in 2017, PA-CEMP rounds took place in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon/Syria and Libya. In addition, RCREEE signed a cooperation agreement with Order of Tunisian Engineers (OIT) to launch the program in Tunisia.
Main Outcomes:
- Organization of 32 certification round in the Arab Region (Egypt, Lebanon, Libya and Jordan)
- Certification of 268 Arab energy management professional
- A regional Network of Certified Energy Management Professionals (PA-CEMPers)
- Training of experts from 13 member states
- Availing the program through online certification rounds