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Meet RCREEE at COP27

About RCREEE at COP27

This year at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, RCREEE teams-up with governments, international organizations, IFIs and private sector via several partnerships to initiate and lead clean energy policy dialogues, strategies, technologies, capacity development and renewable energy investment platforms, in order to increase our member states’ share of tomorrow’s modern energy solution.

Pavilion Sessions

9 November 2022
10 November 2022
11 November 2022
12 November 2022
14 November 2022
15 November 2022
16 November 2022
17 November 2022
9 November 2022

09:00 10:30 دور التمويل المناخي في تحقيق استراتيجيات قطاع الطاقة في المنطقة العربية عبور الفجوة العربية

تهدف الجلسة الحوارية الوزارية إلى مناقشة الأساليب المختلفة لتعزيز الوصول إلى التمويل وتبادل الخبرات بين مختلف البلدان من منظوراستراتيجي حول طرق زيادة “قابلية التمويل” لاستثمارات الطاقة المستدامة وطرق تقليل المخاطر المتصورة المرتبطة بالمؤسسات المالية

التسجيل من هنا

11:00 12:30 MED SEI Forum: Mediterranean Sustainable Energy Investment Forum
13:00 14:30 Unlocking Nature: Mobilising venture capital to build climate resilient food systems in Africa

During the first session, RCREEE in cooperation with climate resilient fund, will discuss with policy makers, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, the extraordinary investment opportunity in feeding the world while sustaining the planet, as they reimagine the future of food systems

EPDG/H²EG and H2x in the second session, will provide insights for the proposes of Symbiotic ecosystem

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15:00 16:30 Finance Business Models for Energy Efficiency: Case studies from countries

This financing institution event cover the main aspects that aims to reinforce the energy efficiency measures and practices in the building sector and appliances through sharing the successful business models and financing mechanisms with focus on the countries experience (Palestine, Jordan, and Egypt)

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17:00 18:30 Sustainable Finance Showcase from Egypt

10 November 2022

09:00-10:30 Enhancement the tools for promoting efficient appliances 0

In line with the COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh the event will focus on the appliances MEPS and labelling, scrapping and awareness raising for the relevant countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Algeria)

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11:00-12:30 Towards adaptation of the Building sector in the Mediterranean Region
13:00-14:30 Just Energy Transition

KPMG will shed the light on the evolution of just transition concepts, the key challenges  and strategies for a just energy transition. KPMG will also highlight the roles of private investment sector and consumers in the just energy transition.

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15:00-16:30 Biodiversity Challenges and Safeguards at Amunet Wind Project

AMEA Power is developing Amunet wind power project in Red sea Governorate with 500 MW capacity. During preconstruction phase, the project addresses all environmental challenges and constraints, especially it locates in one of the busiest migratory birds route in the rift valley. Stay tuned with our session which will present the Amunet project and showcase studies on biodiversity impacts of onshore wind project in Gulf of Suez, focused mainly on birds.

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17:00-18:30 Effective Engagement of Arab Youth in climate and energy

RCREEE in cooperation with the MENA Climate and Energy Project at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), are organizing a side event to showcase of the engagement of youth to promote their participation in energy and climate actions. The event will host young professionals to exchange their success stories.

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18:30-20:00 Assessing Climate Technology Progress Case study Arab region

This session presents the findings of a new Climate Technology Progress Report. The report responds to the following questions, all centred around enabling conditions for reaching a higher degree of climate technology transitions and deployment:  What progress is made?  what has enabled it? and where are the gaps? And as a follow up question: What is needed

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11 November 2022

09:00 10:30 District Cooling in the South Med countries

The session expected outcomes with meetMED II project which is an EU funded project in cooperation between RCREEE and MEDNER, it will be highlighting and identify the relevant national best practices and lessons learned on district cooling deployment in the Mediterranean region.

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13:00 14:30 District Cooling: A Low Carbon Solution to Cool Cities

In cooperation with UNEP, The goal of the event is to provide a call to action to local and national governments, real-estate developers, investors, and utilities about the urgent need to implement sustainable cooling solutions to decarbonize cities, and raise awareness on available solutions like district cooling.

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15:00 16:30 Planning and implementing a data first infrastructure to track and trace decarbonizaton programs
The session by KPMG will answer some important questions for capabilities of tracking announced decarbonization programs, some of which are:

  1. How much progress has really been made?
  2. Are organizations able to substantiate, prove and provide evidence of not just progress (to commitments), but also able to enable trust and transparency on their programs?
  3. Additionally, can coalitions and working groups that have come together untied by mission and purpose, able to collectively report on impact?

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17:00 18:30 How to Monitor and Evaluate energy efficiency public policies through a Regional Energy Observatory

This session aims to present the implementation progress of the regional observatory database on energy efficiency indicators. Furthermore, showcase the NEEAP and national strategies implementation.

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12 November 2022

09:00 10:30 High Level Green Hydrogen Dialogue – Mena region

(RCREEE) in cooperation with the MENA Climate and Energy Project at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy in Egypt, and the Lebanese Centre for Energy Conservation(LCEC), cooperating to have a high-level discussion on the use and implementation of green hydrogen in the MENA region

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11:00 12:30 Climate finance to drive decarbonization through RE and EE policies

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and Global Carbon Council (GCC) will work together as strategic partners to drive decarbonization in MENA region. Event focuses on how carbon finance can help drive energy efficiency and renewable energy in RCREEE member countries.

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13:00 14:30 The European Energy Crisis – Impact and solutions from a corporate perspective

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, European energy prices have hit all-time highs in 2022. As a result, European corporates are under high pressure to sustain their business- and operating models. Politics is responding with far-reaching measures on both national and European level. KMPG will discuss how Europe will rely on international production capacities and investments to achieve NetZero by 2050.

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15:00 16:30 Symbiotic ecosystem based on renewable and low-carbon hydrogen for territories & industry

Afcon along with H2X will share with the participants highlights about symbiotic ecosystem based on renewable and low-carbon hydrogen to the territories in different industries

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18:30-20:00 Advancing green steel industry using international standards: with a focus on the developing world

14 November 2022

09:00 10:30 Desalination initiatives and technologies
15:00 16:30 Water Desalination with Renewable Energies – Challenges and Opportunities in Arab Region

The main goal of the proposed event is to exchange knowledge and set consulting for effective sustainable regulations to enrich the background and the capacity of the stakeholders, in order to successfully develop a consistent, and synergetic set of regulations that are realistic and maximize the benefits and welfare of the MENA Region. While desalination is still costly, declining renewable energy technology deployment costs are expected to bring this cost down in the coming years.

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17:00 18:30 What does it take to accelerate investment in Water-Energy-Food Nexus Projects?

RCREEE and RES4Africa organize this joint event in the framework of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, to present and discuss the state of art in the nexus “scene”, analyzing existing business models and financing mechanisms to provide a solid understanding of the current opportunities and obstacles in the MENA and Sub-Saharan African regions to deploy integrated projects from agrivoltaics to precision irrigation and cold storage solutions.

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15 November 2022

11:00 12:30 Small Renewable Energy Applications

RCREEE in collaboration with the National Agency for Energy Conservation in Tunisia (ANME) and the New and Renewable Energy Authority in Egypt (NREA) is organizing a side event, in the margins of the UNFCCC COP 27, to showcase the Tunisian and Egyptian experiences with specific programs promoting access to small-scale renewable energies, and to seek the identification of possible funding sources for the new initiatives promoted by both national agencies ANME and NREA.

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13:00 14:30 Renewable Energy potential in MENA region
15:00 16:30 1ST Private Wind Farm in Egypt – Ras Ghareb Wind Energy

At the center of wind power in Egypt, the Consortium of Toyota Tsusho, Engie, Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation and Orascom Construction have partnered to build 262.5 MW Ras Ghareb Wind Energy (RGWE) at Gulf of Suez. This session will describe the phases of the project and the successful partnership between joint venture, Siemens Gamesa from one side and with Ministry of Electricity,

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17:00 18:30 Climate Finance and Energy Resilience in the Buildings Sector

In line with the increasing urbanization rates, the global demand for energy by the buildings sector will reach unprecedent levels and the global emissions will continue to increase. This session will give more insights about energy efficiency in building sector.

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16 November 2022

09:00 10:30 AFEX Launching
11:00 12:30 LEKELA’s West Bakr Wind Farm Case Study: From Development to One Year in Operation

To celebrate one year of operations, this session will focus on Lekela’s journey in Egypt from early stage development to the operations phase of its West Bakr Wind Farm. This session is in partnership with EETC and RCREEE and will also shed light on the ATMP program currently being implemented on site.

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13:00 14:30 Active Turbine Management Program: When Birds and Wind Cross Paths

RCREEE launched the first of its kind strategic and operational program evaluating environmental impacts and monitoring soaring birds’ migration in Egypt entitled ‘Active Turbine Management Program’ (ATMP). The ATMP is a global flagship effort taking place in the Gulf of Suez region in Egypt.

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17:00 18:30 ACWA Power Green Hydrogen Vision

17 November 2022

11:00-12:30 High Level Dialogue – Unlocking the Green Hydrogen Investments for the Arab Market

The League of Arab states, along with RCREEE will discuss the role and the impacts that the green hydrogen industry will have on the growing energy markets in the Arab region, in comparison with the current hydrogen production methods, in addition to exchanging insights from different perspectives, about the tools that can trigger the green

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13:00-14:30 E. Mobility Market in the Arab region

This session will discuss the role of E- mobility as one of the solutions and key drivers of the energy transition in the Arab region, and will also shed light on current policies, regulations, incentives, challenges, and barriers for sustainable transportation in the Arab region with a special focus on the Egyptian market.

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