Arab Renewable Energy Framework (AREF) & National Renewable Energy Action Plans Template (NREAP)
In 2013, The League of Arab States (LAS) has issued the Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2010-2030 as a policy support to enhance sustainable energy development in the Arab region.
To support the strategy implementation, RCREEE and German Development Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH assisted the Energy Department at LAS in the development of the Arab Renewable Energy Framework (AREF). The AREF represents the Pan-Arab collaborative framework and contains guiding recommendations to achieve National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) established by the member states of the Arab League.
The National Renewable Energy Action Plan template (NREAP), which complies with Arab RE Strategy 2010- 2030, outlines country’s strategy to further accelerate RE technologies deployment and presents short and medium plans. NREAP layout targets for different sectors and describes the measures adopted to reach country’s goals and objectives.
Since the launching of the NREAP by LAS Energy Department in 2014, RCREEE has been responsible for the design and development of several NREAPs in the Arab region.
By 2019, RCREEE has supported its member states as follows:
- Design the first NREAP of Lebanon
- Prepare the first and second Sudanese NREAP
- Support Tunisia in the design of its first draft of NREAP
- Finalize Palestinian NREAP
- Support the preparation of Jordan’s NREAP
- Commence the development of Djibouti and Somalia NREAP