AFEX 2023 The Arab Future Energy Index (AFEX) is the first Arab index dedicated to monitoring and analyzing sustainable energy competitiveness in
Towards Sustainable Finance Report In Egypt, GGF has established partnership with BdC by providing a credit line to finance CAPEX investments and physical assets
Arab Green Energy Booklets (AGEB) The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Strategies and Policies [pdf-embedder url=””]
Energy Efficiency in Buildings [pdf-embedder url=””]
Energy Efficiency for Appliances with a Focus on Air Conditioning [pdf-embedder url=””]
Concept Note for the Creation of an Industrial Association or Network on EE and RE to Serve Local Markets [pdf-embedder url=””]
Country Report on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investment Climate – Palestinian Territories [pdf-embedder url=””]
Etude de marchĂ© sur les formations professionnelles en matière d’efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique et de sources d’énergie renouvelable [pdf-embedder url=””]
Market Survey on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources Professional Training [pdf-embedder url=””]