Interactions of Arab Renewable Energy Markets [pdf-embedder url=””]
Final Proposal for 5-years Bird Monitoring Program for an Area of 797 km2 at the Gulf of Suez [pdf-embedder url=””]
Meet HLPD speakers and panelists [pdf-embedder url=””]
PA-CEMP Trainers/Expert Application Form [pdf-embedder url=””]
Strategic, cumulative environmental and social assessment Active Turbine Management Program (ATMP) for wind power projects in the gulf of suez ( 2nd draft report) [pdf-embedder url=””]
The visualization map for Egyptian solar PV Feed-in-Tariff procedures for small scale projects [pdf-embedder url=””]
The visualization map for Egyptian solar PV Feed-in-Tariff procedures for large scale projects [pdf-embedder url=””]
Solar PV & Thermal Applications for Hotel Sector: Technical Manual for the MENA region [pdf-embedder url=””]
Market Assessment Study of Socio-Economic Impacts for Solar Pumping Systems in terms of Local Job and Value Creation in Egypt [pdf-embedder url=””]
Diesel to solar transformation – Second report [pdf-embedder url=””]