Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, RCREEE’s Executive Director, discussing the Water-Energy nexus and Solar Energy during his contribution as a keynote speaker at ENSUS Discussions.
Executive Director Dr Jauad El Kharraz was invited on May 25th by Dr. Jones Alami, Chair holder of the Sustainable Energy Chair, to contribute to ENSUS Discussions.
The ENSUS, is a chair of science, created by OCP (the world’s leading exporter of phosphates) & UM6P (University Mohamed VI polytechnic (https://um6p.ma/en), to promote research and development in sustainable energy in Morocco, focusing on 5 trusts : Energy Storage, Solar Energy, Carbone Capture Utilization and Storage, Hydrogen and Water-Energy nexus. https://ensus.um6p.ma/
ENSUS launched “ENSUS Discussions“, as one of the flagship dissemination initiatives, a monthly seminars series, organized in a hybrid way, to share the latest insights & trends in energy transition related sciences and technologies.
Dr.Jauad delivered a talk as a keynote speaker of ENSUS Discussions #1, under the title:
Water-Energy nexus and Solar Energy.
An audience of UM6P and a Nigerian delegation attended the conference.
The Seminar took place at UM6P campus in Benguerir, Marrakech Region, Morocco.