Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP) carries out topographical surveys for Dakahlia sites
KDDP started the topographical survey for Solid Waste Management sites in Dakahlia Governorate especially in Nabrouh, and Qalabshowah cities.
Managed by the Ministry of Local Development in Egypt and funded by the EU and EBRD, Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP)-Solid Waste is the first of its kind in Egypt. The project activities target the depollution one of most polluted drains in Egypt: “Kitchener”. It extends 69 Km and passes through three governorates (Kafr El Sheikh, Gharbeya and Dakahleya ) and discharges into the Mediterranean Sea.
The projects strives mainly to improve the health & environmental conditions of the people living in the drain catchment area. Besides, the project offers great socio-economic benefits to the population of the area. It also offers an opportunity to enhance the irrigation water’s quality in the three governorates.
Focusing on Dakahlia, the project is currently improving the waste management systems in 2 main cities that are affecting Kitchener drainage namely.
The consortium, of RCREEE, Liban Consult AGM and Projacs , leading the consultancy services for the implementation and construction of solid-waste component of KDDP plans to upgrade Nabrouh and Dakahlia garages and hence provide primary maintenance services for collection system. This will be in addition to introducing new treatment technologies, and closure of existing dumpsite in environmentally and engineered aspects according to the EU standards.
The Topographical surveys started will support identifing the areas where the projects will be executed, followed by geotechnical studies to identify the most suitable engineered designs, and technologies that could comply and provide maximum treatment of the generated waste from the cities.
About Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP)- Solid Waste
KDDP-solid waste is implemented under a loan agreement between the Egyptian Government and the EU and EBRD as a funding agency. The project The project, considered to be the first of its kind in Egypt, will support the depollution of the drain and the Mediterranean Sea. It will also improve the health and environmental situation of the people living in the drain catchment area as well as strengthen the economy by improving the irrigation water quality in the three governorates.
The project’s main milestones include establishing factories for recycling and treating waste, closing random dumps and raising the efficiency of the waste collection and transportation system, in coordination with a KDDP technical team.
More details on the Kitchener Drain Depollution Project- Solid Waste: https://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/projects/psd/kitchener-drain-depollution-project-solid-waste.html