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Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP) holds technical training on solid waste management and treatment

Under the management of Ministry of Local Development (MoLD) and funded by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU), and in coordination with Alexandria Governorate, the Kitchener Drain Depollution Project (KDDP) Solid Waste Consultant is conducting a technical training for best available practices of solid waste management and treatment in Egypt on 16-18 November 2021.

The 3-day training is targeting public sector representatives from three governorates, Kafr El Shiekh, Gharbia and Dakahlia. In cooperation with Nahdet Misr waste management company, the training included hand-on trainings and site visits to Transfer Station-Zayateen , Material Recovery Facility-Abiss  and  Al Hammam Landfill.

This training is considered the first in a series of capacity development trainings according to the KDDP Project outcomes as approved by PIU from the Ministry of Local Development, and according to the agreement with European Union and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP)-Solid Waste is the first of its kind in Egypt. The project activities target the depollution of one of the most polluted drains in Egypt “Kitchener”. It extends 69 Km and passes through three governorates (Kafr El Sheikh, Gharbeya and Dakahleya) and discharges into the Mediterranean Sea.

Notably, RCREEE, Liban Consult AGM and Projacs consortium is leading the consultancy services for the implementation and construction of solid-waste component of KDDP.

More details on the Kitchener Drain Depollution Project- Solid Waste:


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