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MENA Network on Low Carbon Development for Inclusive Growth

RCREEE partnered with the World Bank to launch the Low Carbon Development for Inclusive Growth initiative. The initiative aims to build a regional platform that boosts MENA countries’ capability in low-emissions development strategies. It enhances countries’ knowledge to address a range of designing and implementation challenges around LEDs and NAMAs fields. These include building regional awareness, attracting donors,removing barriers, technical assistance implementation , and results monitoring. The initiative supports collaborative governance within and across borders by establishing a network of opinion leaders and advocates of low-carbon development.
The Network brings together national representatives responsible for finance, planning, environment, energy sector, transportation, agriculture, and industry from RCREEE member states and all other Arab countries. Relevant representatives of the private sector, academia, and civil society are also included. The network is also open to other interested countries that are willing to contribute.
Key Results
  • Enabling member state economies and related mechanisms to engage effectively in the global carbon market
  • Increasing the attractiveness of MENA region to potential funding countries through adopting Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) strategies in member states
  • Creating a peers network with other developing countries to facilitate carbon emissions planning finance
For further information. please contact :
Amel Mrad Bida
Program Manager – Research and Analysis
Tel:  +202 241 54755 (Ext. 102)


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