RCREEE’s participation during the 56th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) which takes place from 6 to 16 June 2022, in Bonn, Germany
Dr. Jauad El Kharraz RCREEE’s Executive Director and Dr. Maged Mahmoud, RCREEE’s Technical Director during their speech in Jordan on the 7th of June 2022.
Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, RCREEE’s Executive Director, discussing the Water-Energy nexus and Solar Energy during his contribution as a keynote speaker at ENSUS Discussions.
RCREEE’s management and ATMP team had a meeting with representatives of the Consortium (ENGIE, Orascom Construction, Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation) who own Red Sea Wind Energy 500 MW
MoU Between Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) & Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
The Executive Director of RCREEE Dr Jauad El Kharraz participated at the #WorldHydrogen 2022 Summit & Exhibition organized from May 9 to 11 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.