RCREEE conducts site visits in Dakahlia and Kafr El Shiekh governorates under Kitchener Project
May 2021: RCREEE team organized and conducted a number of site visits to 2 governorates under the activities of EU & EBRD funded project, Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP)-Solid Waste.
The Kitchener Drainage Depollution Project (KDDP) -Solid Waste aims to improve the management of municipal solid waste-MSW- (which includes collection, transportation, sorting, recycling and final disposal of waste) in 3 Egyptian governorates, namely Kafr El Sheikh (“KES”), Gharbeya (“GHB”) and Dakahleya (“DKH”). KDDP provides access to improved waste services to over 5 million people in 11 districts of the three targeted governorates pertaining to the catchment area in addition to rehabilitate and close the existing waste accumulations on the numerous open dump sites.
The team organized its first visit to Dakahlia governorate for data collection and verification regarding dumpsites and landfills in Nabrouh and Belqas cities. They team also discussed the governorate’s plan to upgrade the existing RDF/compost production line and establishment of a new the sanitary landfill.
Up to date, uncontrolled disposal of MSW represents a significant source of pollution in the Kitchener Drain – which has negative environmental and public health implications on the population in the area and the Mediterranean Sea.
Following Dakahlia’s mission, the team conducted another visit to Kafr El Shiekh governorate where they held fruitful meetings for data collection on solid waste management system in the cities that Kitchener drain passes through.  The visit also included site visits for Sedi Ghazy dumpsite to identify possible intervention.
Notably the KDDP is implemented under the loan agreement between the Egyptian Government and the EU and EBRD as a funding agency. RCREEE, Liban Consult AGM and Projacs consortium is honored to lead the consultancy services for the implementation and construction of the project in close co-ordination with the Egyptian Ministry of Local Development (MoLD).
More on Kitchener Project:Â https://rcreee.orgs/rcreee-joins-first-its-kind-euebrd-solid-waste-project-depollute-kitchener-drain-egypt