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Renewable Energy Pricing and Trading Regional Capacity Development Programs

RCREEE organized a series of capacity development programs in 2011 and 2012 on “Renewable Energy Pricing and Trading Systems”.  The programs included key pricing and trading concepts and their design such as Feed-in Tariff (FiT), Green Certificates, and Guarantee of Origin. The project aimed to provide RCREEE member states with the national, regional and international experience and knowledge in the field of renewable electricity support. The project helped to improve member states’ competencies through acquiring the necessary knowledge on policy design options. The trainings also offered a simple-to-use tool that helps authorities to assess design options scenarios for applying FiTs.

Lecturers from Egypt, Germany, and Turkey provided the training. 42 Officials representing RCREEE’s 13 member states regulatory agencies, utilities, and energy ministries participated. The project was organized in cooperation with the League of Arab States, the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency, and the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority. Invited lecturers from Egypt, Germany, and Turkey enriched the program with their knowledge and experience.

Key Results

  • Presented policy options for promoting renewable energy applications
  • Offered global examples and lessons learned from application of different pricing and trading schemes
  • Suggested examples on governmental interventions and elements of successful legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Offered a computer-based tool to help authorities to assess FiT design options and respective tariffs for wind and solar electricity

For further information, please contact :

Maged K.Mahmoud,MSc. Eng.
Program Manager – Capacity Development
Tel:  +202 241 54755 (Ext. 113)


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