Winnergy Initiative – Sustainable Development Gender Perspective
RCREEE views gender mainstreaming as a critical component in a successful energy transition. Including more women into the sustainable energy supply chain brings us many steps closer to achieving an essential part of the sustainable development goals.
In line with SDG5 and SDG7, RCREEE initiated its women in energy taskforce in 2017 and sought partnerships with prominent Gender Mainstreaming supporters such as GWNet and Fredrich-Ebert Stiftung.
RCREEE focuses on raising awareness in its Member States to the importance of prioritizing gender mainstreaming within the energy agenda and providing capacity building activities to females in the field from the region. We are currently planning to engage in Gender data and research by working with our member states and to engage the private sector.
We are open to all partnerships and collaborations to advance the gender agenda and achieve energy transition.
Main Outcomes:
- Organizing the first regional conference for Gender and Energy in Beirut, Lebanon with the presence of Her Excellency, Ms. Nada Boustani Minister of the Energy and Water-Lebanon and Her Excellency Eng. Hala El Zawati , Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan in cooperation with Fredrich-Ebert Stiftung.
- Launching a webinar in cooperation with ATA Insights on female success stories and challenges featuring field female experts in the sustainable energy field
- Launching an awareness campaign called “Winnergy: Because women in energy means winning all along” featuring informative messages and statistics about gender mainstreaming benefits
- Signing an MoU with the Global Women Network (GWnet) led by Ms. Christine Lins
- Hosting around 40 female interns within our APSEY internship program from 17 Member States