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Solar Atlas for the Mediterranean (Solar Med-Atlas)

RCREEE joined a consortium of international organizations led by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to develop an interactive solar Atlas for the Mediterranean Region. The initiative funded by the German International Climate Initiative is a comprehensive online solar energy and socioeconomic data map and information portal dedicated to the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region.  As the leading renewable energy data source in the Arab region, RCREEE was responsible for the dissemination and adoption of the system in Arab countries in the Mediterranean region. The center identified relevant stakeholder needs and requirements, organized orientation workshops, and translated portal user interface and collaterals to Arabic.  The center also assisted in testing and validating the system through user-centric surveys and analysis and in presenting technical papers in several international conferences.
Key Results
  • An improved solar resources database by using state-of-the-art algorithms
  • A free access to monthly values, high-resolution solar radiation mapping (GHI + DNI) based on satellite images and a transparent database validation
  • An improved solar information access through an open system architecture and downloadable data (monthly time series and maps)
  • Data analysis web applications and possibility of linking ancillary information (Socio-Economic, GIS)
  • Usable tools for electricity and heat energy yields from PV and Solar Water Heating systems
  • An improved knowledge database on solar energy policy-making and investments
About Solar-Med-Atlas
The Solar Atlas for the Mediterranean is a portal for global horizontal and direct normal irradiance data for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region. The project brings high resolution (1km), long term coverage (20 years 1991-2010) data on the available resources for the whole target region covering the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean Countries. The resource data will be derived from Earth Observation satellite data, based on published and transparent methodologies and the data will be validated with existing ground measurements in the region. The database will be provided by SOLEMI and Helioclim-3 (SoDa) sources – Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) and Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI).
Visit Solar-Med-Atlas website.
For further information, please contact :
Maged K.Mahmoud,MSc. Eng. 
Program Manager – Capacity Development
Tel:  +202 241 54755 (Ext. 113)