Webinar: New Energy Storage and Pumped Storage Technology
The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency- RCREEE and the GEIDCO(Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization), are organizing, in partnership and with the support of the Energy Department of the League of Arab States – General Secretariat and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the webinar entitled “New Energy Storage and Pumped Storage Technology”, with the aim of promoting sustainable energy development through regional cooperation.
The webinar: New Energy Storage and Pumped Storage Technology
Renewable energy has obvious intermittent, fluctuating and random characteristics. As renewable energy generation is increasingly integrated into the grid on a large scale, its share of the overall energy mix continues to grow. However, this has highlighted several challenges, including the low overall efficiency of the power system, inadequate coordination between energy sources and demand, and insufficient synergy among different power generation sources.
The development of new energy storage technology will effectively address the challenges mentioned above:
• For power supply: It enhances the regulatory capabilities of renewable energy stations, improves the frequency modulation of conventional power units, reduces the curtailment of wind and solar energy, alleviates the pressure of peak shaving, and facilitates the large-scale development and integration of renewable energy into the grid.
• For the power grid: It boosts the grid’s ability to regulate power, thereby supporting the extensive transmission and consumption of renewable energy.
• For end users: This technology helps improve energy efficiency and economic viability, ultimately contributing to a higher share of clean energy in end-use energy consumption.
Register to learn more about new Energy Storage and Pumped Storage Technology: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/846499c2-2333-44b9-9752-21047bceadac@bb8550d2-0be2-4236-9782-99073ea92a18