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Tidal and solar on-grid PV system feasibility studies


The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an intergovernmental organization with diplomatic status that was set up based on Cairo Declaration that was signed in June 2008 by government representatives from Arab countries.


The adoption of solar photovoltaic (PV) and tidal energy technologies has gained significant momentum as viable alternatives to conventional fossil fuels. The integration of these renewable energy sources into existing grids holds immense potential for reducing carbon emissions and enhancing energy security while promoting economic growth. Herin, this document outlines the Terms of Reference (ToR) for conducting comprehensive feasibility studies on two different promising renewable energies: On-Grid Solar PV and Tidal Energy. These studies (Task I and Task II ) aim to assess the potential of the technical, and economic viability of implementing an On-Grid PV system and tidal energy projects simultaneously in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt with full compliance to RCREEE policies, regulations, terms & conditions. Herein, below is the description of TASK I&II for both technologies.

Relevant Documents:

Submission Process:

The technical proposal and the financial proposal files MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and may be submitted on or before Wednesday, 28, February ,2024

via email to the addresses below:

Your Proposal must be expressed in the English Language, and valid for a minimum period of 90 days.

For inquires:

Interested consultants can contact RCREEE for further information during working hours (09:00 -17:00) through the below channels:

Telephone: +202 2415 4755 (201)
Fax: +202 2415 4661